poner - to put, Yo pongo - I put, Ella pone - She puts, traer - to bring, Yo traigo - I bring, Luis trae - Luis brings, salir - to leave, Yo salgo - I leave, Luis sale - Luis leaves, hacer - to do, to make, Yo hago - I do, I make, Usted hace - You do, You make (formal), hacer un viaje - to take a trip, hago un viaje - I take a trip, hacer la maleta - to pack the suitcase, Yo hago la maleta - I pack the suitcase, el equipaje - luggage, la maleta - suitcase, la maletera - trunk, el boleto - ticket, la tarjeta de embarque - boarding pass, el mostrador - check in counter, Ella factura el equipaje - She checks in her bags, equipaje de mano - carry-on luggage, Yo salgo para el aeropuerto - I'm leaving for the airport, Yo salgo para Guatemala - I'm leaving for Guatemala, viajar - to travel, el pasajero - passenger,


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