1) Which is correct? a) When Caleb arrived, he said, “What happened?” b) When Caleb arrived he said, "What happened?" c) When Caleb arrived, he said, "What happened"? 2) Which is correct? a) "When you get home," Addie told us, "You must lock the door". b) "When you get home" Addie told us, "You must lock the door." c) "When you get home," Addie told us, "you must lock the door." 3) Which is correct? a) Chloe screamed, "why did I do this?" as the roller coaster dropped over the hill. b) Chloe screamed, "Why did I do this?" as the roller coaster dropped over the hill. c) Chloe screamed, "Why did I do this" as the roller coaster dropped over the hill. 4) Which is correct? a) "Grayson" said Claire, "Is this your sword?" b) "Grayson," said Claire, "is this your sword?" c) "Grayson," said Claire, "Is this your sword?" 5) Which is correct? a) Edward leaned out the window and sighed, "It is such a beautiful day!" b) Edward leaned out the window and sighed, It is such a beautiful day! c) "Edward leaned out the window and sighed, "It is such a beautiful day!" 6) Which is correct? a) On the way to the movies, Grayson pushed Maya and said "Tag! You're it!" b) On the way to the movies Grayson pushed Maya and said "Tag! You're it!" c) On the way to the movies, Grayson pushed Maya and said, "Tag! You're it!" 7) Which is correct? a) In the auditorium, Isabel started her acceptance speech by saying "Thank you for voting for me" b) In the auditorium Isabel started her acceptance speech by saying "thank you for voting for me." c) In the auditorium, Isabel started her acceptance speech by saying, "Thank you for voting for me." 8) Which is correct? a) "Which of you," demanded Lily, "stole my shoes?!" b) "Which of you," demanded Lily, "Stole my shoes"?! c) "Which of you" demanded Lily, "stole my shoes?!" 9) Which is correct? a) Martha's new song, Ninja Llama, can be heard on every radio station in Atlanta. b) Martha's new song, "Ninja Llama," can be heard on every radio station in Atlanta. c) Martha's new song, "Ninja Llama", can be heard on every radio station in Atlanta. 10) Which is correct? a) Mateo asked Mike, "Are you going to do this every time it rains?" b) Mateo asked Mike, "are you going to do this every time it rains?" c) Mateo asked Mike "Are you going to do this every time it rains?" 11) Which is correct? a) "This," sneered Maya, "Is why I learned how to crochet"! b) "This" sneered Maya "is why I learned how to crochet" c) "This," sneered Maya, "is why I learned how to crochet!" 12) Which is correct? a) "I am eager," said Mike, "To share this next magic trick with you" b) "I am eager" said Mike "To share this next magic trick with you!" c) "I am eager," said Mike, "to share this next magic trick with you!" 13) Which is correct? a) Olivia wasn't joking when she said, "I can do 50 back walkovers!" b) Olivia wasn't joking when she said "I can do 50 back walkovers!" c) Olivia wasn't joking when she said, "I can do 50 back walkovers"! 14) Which is correct? a) I dare you to dance with that bear, whispered Runo. b) "I dare you to dance with that bear," whispered Runo. c) "I dare you to dance with that bear" whispered Runo.
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