1) פֶתַח a) smell b) gate c) curse d) opening 2) רֵיחַ a) gate b) word/thing c) smell d) in the middle 3) גַם a) word/thing b) also c) curse d) in the middle 4) תּוֹךְ a) in the middle b) maidservant c) also d) sheep 5) אָרוּר a) curse b) also c) shepherd d) in the middle 6) ֹשַעַר a) word/thing b) opening c) gate d) smell 7) ֹשִפְחָה a) maidservant b) gate c) also d) smell 8) דָבָר a) smell b) word/thing c) also d) opening 9) רוֹעֶה a) sheep b) shepherd c) smell d) also 10) שֶֹה a) gate b) sheep c) shepherd d) in the middle

Milim Nouns MS



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