What layer of staff is usually ranked immediately below directors?, What is meant by span of control?, Does a flat or tall organisation have longer chain of command, Make up a HR question for a student of your choice., How does the span of control differ between a tall and a flat organisational structure?, Make up a HR question for the opposing team., Give one advantage of a centralised organisation., What is meant by the term delayering?, Name the main functional areas of business (4), Make up a HR question for a student of your choice., List three things that would be in a contract of employment., What does it mean if a member of staff is full time?, Explain how having part time members of staff can be an advantage (not pay), What is job sharing?, What is a zero hours contract?, Give a benefit of zero hours contracts to an employee., Give a benefit of zero hours contracts to an employer., What is a job description?, What is a person specification?, Two advantages of internal rather than external recruitment., Two advantages of external rather than internal recruitment., Two reasons why careful recruitment and selection is important., What is induction training?, What is on the job training?, Where might off the job training take place?, How does staff training benefit employees?, How does staff training benefit businesses?, Give an example of a fringe benefit., What does motivation mean?, Give two methods of financial motivation., What is commission?, What does democratic mean?, Why might people be more motivated by working for a democratic manager?.
GCSE Business 9-1 Human Resources
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