1) She drew the outline of the boat and then coloured it in. a) the main shape b) shade c) plan 2) The outlook for the economy is bleak. a) view b) the likely future situation c) numbers 3) I told him at/from the outset I wasn't interested. a) the look of something b) one's point of view c) the start of something 4) I’m not affiliated with any political party. a) interested b) part of or form a close relationship with c) longing for  5) By the late 90s the band's popularity was beginning to wane. a) decline b) improve c) move upwards 6) With all the snow, our daily walks have been severely curtailed. a) reduced b) cut c) stopped 7) The software saves the company untold thousands in paper and labor. a) that cannot be measured or expressed in words b) limited in number c) depreciated 8) The funds available for the health service are finite. a) limited b) limitless c) uncountable 9) Don't give way to your fears. a) show b) make room c) worry about 10) He brought about his company's collapse by his reckless spending. a) to fight against b) avoided c) to cause to happen

Proficiency objective- unit 13- vocabulary



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