WHO the characters are: Mr. Montgomery is a 9th grade student, Mr. Montgomery wants to learn; he likes school and history; he is respectful, Mrs. Nelson is a 9th grade history teacher, Mrs. Nelson seems like she wants to have a bad reputation; she wants students to think she is a bad teacher and hates kids, WHERE the characters are at: A high school, A history classroom, WHEN the scene takes place: At 10:02 am, During a school day, Possibly mid-week because he had questions about previous lessons, WHY the characters are there: Mrs. Nelson is there because she is a teacher and that is her job; she was working with papers so probably grading papers., Mrs. Nelson is there possibly to make students have a bad day, Mr. Montgomery is there because he was sneaking in to get answers because he was early to ask questions, Mr. Montgomery is there to see if his theory was correct that Mrs. Nelson is a good teacher and actually likes teaching?, WHAT is going on in the scene (summary): Beginning--Mr. Montgomery sneaks to class early so he can ask his teacher some questions., Middle-- They were arguing about whether or not she is a good teacher. He thinks she is and she doesn’t/doesn’t want to be known as that., Ending--They make a deal that he can come early as long as he bad-mouths her occasionally., HOW the characters resolve the scene: They come to an agreement., What might have happened BEFORE the scene: Maybe he skipped his last class to come early, Maybe he came during an A20 type class to her class, Maybe the school day started at that time and he showed up early., Maybe he was watching her through her classroom door window to see when she wasn’t watching, What might happen AFTER the scene: Maybe Mr. Montgomery purposely bad-mouths her in front of other students, Maybe he continues to show up early and asks her questions about history, Maybe they brainstorm more names he can call her,
Scene Overview Sort for "The Big Lie"
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