Aestivation - dormancy, generally seasonally, Accipiter - A hawk of the genus Accipiter, characterized by short wings and a long tail., Arboreal - tree dweller, Brood - the offspring of a bird just hatched., Buteo - Any of the various hawks of the genus Buteo, characterized by broad wings and broad, rounded tails., Carapace - the upper or dorsal surface of a turtle’s shell., Carrion - the bodies of dead animals usually found in nature in a decaying state., Cast - to regurgitate indigestible prey remains, Circadian - designating a biological period of about 24 hours., Coverts - One or more of a group of feathers covering the bases of the longer main feathers of a bird’s wings or tail., Covey - a small group or flock, often a family group, of birds such as quail., Crepuscular - appearing or becoming active at twilight or dawn., Corridor - areas of continuous habitat that permit animals to travel securely from one habitat to another., Dabbling ducks - duck species that principally feed in shallow water by “tipping up” or dabbling on the surface., Diurnal - A term used to describe an animal that is most active by day., Diving ducks - duck species that feed principally by diving below the surface, Dorsal - of or pertaining to the upper surface., Dump nest - eggs deposited by more than one female in a single nest., Endemic - confined to a certain area or region., Guard hairs - long, coarse hairs that forms a protective coating over an animal’s under fur., Herpetology - the scientific study of reptiles and amphibians as a branch of Zoology., Indigenous - a naturally occurring species., Insectivore - a mammal or organism that feeds on insects., Keel - a ridge down the back or along the plastron of a turtle or a longitudinal ridge On a dorsal scale in certain snakes., Lateral - pertaining to the side., Melanistic - Abnormally dark pigmentation of the skin or other tissues. Black pigmented., Molt - the process of shedding or replacing feathers., Monogamous - term used when one male breeds with one female., Nocturnal - active by night; the opposite of diurnal., Ornithology - The scientific study of birds as a branch of zoology.,
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