1) Your friend always feels tired in the morning. a) I think you should go to bed earlier. b) I don't think you should drink coffee before bed. c) It's a good idea to use your phone in bed. d) It's not a good idea to go to bed early. 2) Your classmate is scared of speaking in English. a) It's a good idea to only listen and never speak. b) I think you should practice speaking in English every day. c) I don't think you should worry about I don't think you should worry about making mistakes. d) It's not a good idea to take English classes. 3) A friend wants to save money. a) I think you should make a budget. b) It's a good idea to spend all your money on fun. c) I don't think you should buy things you don't need. d) It's not a good idea to buy things when it's on sale. 4) Your neighbor doesn't exercise because they say they're too busy. a) It's a good idea to work all day. b) I think you should find time to walk every day. c) It's not a good idea to sit all day. d) I don't think you should exercise 5) A friend eats fast food every day. a) It's a good idea to cook at home more often. b) I think you should eat only ice cream. c) I don't think you should eat vegetables. d) It's not a good idea to eat fast food every day. 6) Your friend is nervous about a job interview. a) It's a good idea to go unprepared. b) It's not a good idea to be late. c) I don't think you should worry too much. d) I think you should quit the job. 7) A friend always loses their keys. a) I think you should have a special place for your keys. b) It's a good idea to just carry them in your hand all day. c) I don't think you should keep them in different places. d) It's a good idea to leave your keys at home 8) Your classmate is always late to class. a) It's not a good idea to check the clock before leaving. b) I think you should leave your house earlier. c) It's a good idea to forget the time of the class. d) I don't think you should wake up at the last minute. 9) A friend feels bored in their free time. a) It's a good idea to do nothing. b) I think you should find a hobby. c) I don't think you should watch TV all day. d) It's not a good idea to learn something new. 10) Your neighbor wants to learn English faster. a) I don't think you should practice English every day. b) I think you should speak only your native language. c) It's a good idea to avoid practicing d) It's not a good idea skip your English classes. 11) Your coworker feels cold in the office. a) I think you should eat more ice cream b) It's not a good idea to bring a jacket with you. c) It's a good idea to bring a sweater to work. d) I don't think you should sit by the window. 12) A neighbor's plants always die. a) I think you should water your plants more often. b) It's a good idea to forget watering them. c) I don't think you should keep them in sunlight. d) It's not a good idea to keep them in the very cold places.

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