inspiring - giving people new ideas or feelings; usually positive, liberty - freedom from being confined or controlled, descendants - people related to those who lived a long time ago, ancestor - relative who lived long ago, generation - people, usually in a family, born at about the same time, enlightened - to give information or knowledge to, torch - fire carried on a stick or pole as a portable light, diadem - crown, shackles - metal bands used for binding the wrists or ankles of a person or animal, native - having to do with where a person was born, unique - having to do with qualities found in only one person, group, place, thing, or idea, steerage - least expensive sleeping accommodations on a passenger ship, opportunity - chance for something better, monument - building that honors a person, event, or idea, persepective - how things are seen from a particular point of view, scale - size of an object in comparison to another object, vermin - unpleasant insects or small animals that can sometimes cause harm, inspire - cause someone to have an idea or feeling that is usually positive,
Vocabulary- Module 3 Arc 2 (Grade 3)
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