Fact: "Most employers hire people who are responsible and respectful like me", "Being kind and having conversations with people with common interests can help me to make friends", "There are many areas of intelligence. I am a visual learner, so I learn best when I see to understand", "My teacher gives me feedback and now I am getting a better grade in math", Everyone makes mistakes, and making mistakes helps people learn", "I share my ideas and what I want to do with my friends. They don't always agree with me, but that's ok", "When I am kind, considerate and show respect to girls, they really like that", " I usually win when I am playing against my family, but I haven't played against everyone in the whole world", Opinion: "No one will hire me, I am just a teen", "They are so cool, they would never like me", "I am not very smart. Everyone else is smarter than me", "I am horrible with math!", "I'm such a loser, I will never get this.", "Nobody listens to me, I guess what I have to say is not important", I'm so shy, getting a girlfriend would be impossible for me", "I am better than everyone at Minecraft",
Checking My Thoughts - Facts versus Opinion
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