colander - bowl shaped with holes to drain off water, wooden spoon - used to stir items on the cook top, custard cup - small bowl used to crack eggs and hold small amounts, cutting board - used to cut meats, vegetables and fruits, dry measuring cups - used to measure dry ingredients...stackable, skillet - used to saute and pan fry on the cooktop, grater - sharp perforations used to shred, grate and zest, ladle - long handled spoon to serve liquids, liquid measuring cups - used for measuring liquids only, measuring spoons - used to measure small amounts of liquid and dry ingredients, mixing bowls - used to mix, prepare and combine ingredients, muffin tin - baking pan used for muffins and cupcakes, paring knife - small knife used for peeling fruits and veg, pastry brushes - apply egg wash and other liquids, peeler - device for peeling fruits and veg, rolling pin - cylinder with handles used for rolling dough, rubber scraper - used for folding in ingredients and scrap side of bowl, sifter - used to remove lumps and incorporated air, slotted spoon - spoon with small openings to remove food from liquid, sauce pan - heat small amounts of food and sauces on cook top, straight edge spatula - used for leveling off ingredients, strainer - fine mesh used to aerate dry ingredients, tong - used to pick up and flip large food items, turner - flexible blade used for flipping foods, whisk - used to incorporate air and increase volume,
FCS Kitchen Equipment
8th Grade
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