Apprenticeship - an arrangement in which someone learns an art, trade, or job under another, Gap Year - a one-year hiatus from academic studies to allow for nonacademic activities, Bachelors Degree - a degree that is given to a student by a college or university usually after four years of study, Associates Degree - a degree that is given to a student who has completed two years of study at a junior college, college, or university in the U.S., Technical College - Offer training for specific occupations, Post Secondary - Any additional education beyond high school, Military - The armed forces of a country, Work Force - A group of people who work in a company, industry, country, etc., Private College - Higher education institutions that rely more on tuition and endowments., Public College - higher education institutions that are mainly funded by state governments, Tuition - Fees charged for teaching or instruction by a school, college, or university., Net Cost of College - the amount of money paid by a student to attend an institution in a single academic year after subtracting scholarships and grants the student receives, Community College - type of undergraduate higher education institution, generally leading to an associate degree, certificate, or diploma.,
Post Secondary Vocab
Vocational / Technical
Career Exploration
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