tener dolor de cabeza. La mujer le duele la cabeza. - to have a headache /HED āk/. The woman has a headache. , tener fiebra. Él tiene fiebre de 105 grados. - to have a fever /FĒ vir/ He has a fever of 105 degrees., tener temperatura. La niña tiene temperatura. - to have a temperature. /TEM pra chur/. The girl has a temperature. , Sentirse mareado. Me siento muy mareada. - to feel dizzy /DI zē/. I feel very dizzy. , Tener zumbidos en los oídos. - to have ringing /RING ing/ in the ears., Mis oídos están zumbando. - My ears are ringing /RING ing/., tener conjunctivitis. - to have pink eye. He has pink eye in one eye. , tener un resfriado. Ella tiene un resfriado. - to have a cold. She has a cold. , tener la nariz tapada - to have a stuffy nose. , tener la nariz sangrando - to have a bloody nose /BLUH dē nōz/, estar congestionado - to be congested /kun JES ted/, tener goteo nasal - to have a runny nose. /RUN nē noz/, estornudar - to sneeze, Ella esta estornudando mucho. - She is sneezing a lot. , toser. Él no puede dejar de toser. - to cough /kof/ He can't stop coughing /KOF ing/, la tos. el niño tiene tos. - the cough /kof/ The boy has a cough /kof/., No podía dormir por la tos. - She couldn't /CUD ent/ sleep because of her cough /kof/, tener gripe. - to have the flu /flew/. , tener una afta - to have a canker sore /KANG ker sor/, tener dolor de muela. - to have a toothache /tuth āk/. , tener una carie - to have a cavity /KA va tē/, tener dolor de garganta - to have a sore throat /sor thrōt/, tener el cuello rígido - to have a stiff neck /stif nek/, tener dolor de hombro - to have shoulder pain /SHŌL dur pān/, tener asma - to have asthma /az ma/, tener presión alta - to have high blood pressure /blud PRE shur/, tener dolor de estómago - to have a stomachache /STU mik āk/, vomitar - to vomit /VOM it/ to throw up /thrō up/, Sentir náuseas - to feel nauseous /fēl NAW shus/, una erupción en la piel - a skin rash /S kin rash/, picarse Me pican mucho las manos. - to itch /ich/ My hands are very itchy. /I chē/, tener artritis - to have arthritis /ar THRĪ tis/, tener diarrea - To have diarrhea /dī ur RĒ a/, tener estreñimiento - to have constipation /kan sta PĀ shun/, tener un calambre - to have a cramp /kramp/, un moretón - a bruise /brüz/, estar magullado. Mi codo está magullado - to be bruised /brüzd/ My elbow is bruised., torcerse un tobillo - to twist an ankle /twist an ANG kul/, Se torció el tobillo. - He twisted his ankle., romper un hueso - to break a bone /brāk a bōn/, Creo que me rompí un hueso - I think I broke a bone. /brōk a bōn/, estar rota - to be broken /BRŌ ken/ , Mi pierna está rota. - My leg is broken. /BRŌ ken/, tener hinchazón - to have swelling /SWI ling/, Tengo el labio hinchado. - I have a swollen lip. /SWŌ lin/, una verruga - a wart /W ort/, una ampolla - a blister /BLI stur/,
Medical Symptoms
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