das Armenisch - the language spoken in Armenia, aufwachsen - to grow up (child to adult), eingeschrieben sein - to be enrolled or registered, das Fach, die Fächer - subjects at the university, die Hausarbeit - a long text written at the end of the semester, die Lehrveranstaltung - the course of seminar that is taught at the university, der Nebenjob - not your main job; a job on the side, das Seminar - a course on a special topic; promotes discussion, das Studienfach - field of study, das Studienjahr - academic year, der Studienplatz - a spot at the university, der Stundenplan - academic daily schedule, das Tutorium - a course directed by other students, die Vorlesung - the lecture, vorlesungsfreie Zeit - time without lectures; vacation period, zweisprachig - bilingual,

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