insurance - It's a protection. You can buy for your house, car, apartment, and healthcare, postal carrier, postage - The money you pay to send letters and packages through the mail., return address - The address you write on a package or letter. It shows where it should go back to if it can't be delivered., customs - The place at the border or airport . Officials check what people bring into a country., package - Things wrapped in paper or packed in a box, usually sent or delivered through the mail., parcel - Another word for a package, tracking number - numbers given to a package. You can use it to check where it is and when it will arrive., registered mail - A special mailing service. It asks for signature when delivered., priority service - A fast mailing service, air mail - sending letters and packages by airplane, mail slot - small opening in a door or wall. You can drop letters and small packages in it., counter - A place in post offices. You can talk to workers there to get help.,

Going to the post office



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