Nouns: person, place thing, or idea/concept: She stacked the blocks in the playroom., The bat was hanging in a tree., I wrote a check for $10., The duck landed on the pond., The cookie was full of chocolate chips.., The train leaves at 3:00pm., I had jam on my toast., My parents will not allow us to get a pet. , There is a spot on the carpet., You had to be 3 meters tall to get on the ride. , Verbs: action word: Don’t block the car in the driveway., I bat third in our line up., Please check the seat pocket for your belongings., Make sure you duck your head through the low doorway., He chipped away at the ice block., I had to train hard for the marathon., Don't jam your finger playing basketball., I was able to pet the dog next door. , Can you spot Waldo in the picture?, I don't know how to ride a bike.,

Sort the bold words into their parts of speech based on the sentence.


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