1) the STATE OF knowing what to do a) wisDOM b) PANorama c) mournFUL d) showmanSHIP 2) with the QUALITY OF being thin a) FOREtaste b) IMplacable c) showmanSHIP d) threadLIKE 3) NOT with reason a) despondENT b) unseemliEST c) wisDOM d) ILlogical 4) NOT willing to change their mind a) IMplacable b) EMphaticalLY c) picturESQUE d) wisDOM 5) a drug given AGAINST invading bacteria a) ANTIbiotic b) IMplacable c) PANorama d) encumbER 6) to MAKE or PROVIDE with the CHARACTERISTIC OF force or expression a) TRANSlate b) EMphaticalLY c) unseemliEST d) picturESQUE 7) the STATE OF BEING unhappy a) despondENT b) threadLIKE c) FOREtaste d) encumbER 8) the ACTION OF making it difficult to move a) ILlogical b) encumbER c) IMplacable d) tangIBLE 9) with the STYLE or QUALITY OF being beautiful or scenic  a) SUBpar b) ANTIbiotic c) FOREtaste d) picturESQUE 10) THE MOST indecent or inappropriate a) despondENT b) PANorama c) SUPERfluOUS d) unseemliEST 11) to experience BEFORE what is to come a) FOREtaste b) despondENT c) ILlogical d) scrupulOUS 12) FILLED WITH sorrow a) mournFUL b) SUBpar c) IMplacable d) MAXImize 13) ABLE TO be touched a) tangIBLE b) despondENT c) picturESQUE d) threadLIKE 14) to make as LARGE as possible a) MAXImize b) TRANSlate c) mournFUL d) showmanSHIP 15) RELATING TO or BEING FULL OF honesty a) tangIBLE b) ILlogical c) scrupulOUS d) mournFUL 16) a wide view of ALL the land a) FOREtaste b) tangIBLE c) ILlogical d) PANorama 17) the CONDITION or STATUS OF being theatrical a) showmanSHIP b) IMplacable c) MAXImize d) PANorama 18) a performance that is UNDER what it should be a) FOREtaste b) PANorama c) picturESQUE d) SUBpar 19) the QUALITY OF being MORE or ABOVE what you need a) SUBpar b) TRANSlate c) FOREtaste d) SUPERfluOUS 20) to carry one's language ACROSS to another a) unseemliEST b) TRANSlate c) encumbER d) SUPERfluOUS

QUIZ Version Affixes 80-91 Word Race Part 2


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