Criteria - Specific standards or benchmarks against which students' performance, knowledge, skills, and competencies are measured., Assessment system - A combination of all qualitative and quantitative information we can gather to understand the learning process., Evaluation - Its goal is to provide meaningful feedback that can inform decision-making, improve educational outcomes, and enhance the overall quality of education., Test - A summative assessment tool used to measure students' knowledge, skills, abilities, or performance in a specific subject area or skill set., Rubric - A scoring guide used to evaluate the quality of students' work based on specific criteria and performance levels., Learning outcome - A statement that describes what students are expected to achieve and demonstrate as a result of their learning experiences., Proficiency - The level of expertise in communicative English language performance., Objective assessment - A type of evaluation that measures students' knowledge or skills through questions with predetermined correct answers, minimizing subjective judgment by the evaluator.,

Assessment Literacy


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