1) Joe, a prep cook, has diarrhea. a) Joe should be EXCLUDED from the operation. b) Joe should be RESTRICTED from working with exposed food, utensils, and equipment 2) Louisa, a busser, has a runny nose. a) Louisa should be EXCLUDED from the operation. b) Louisa should be RESTRICTED from working with exposed food, utensils, and equipment 3) Bill, a line cook in a restaurant, has a sore throat with a fever. a) Bill should be EXCLUDED from the operation. b) Bill should be RESTRICTED from working with exposed food, utensils, and equipment 4) Mary, a sous chef, has been diagnosed with Norovirus. a) Mary should be EXCLUDED from the operation. b) Mary should be RESTRICTED from working with exposed food, utensils, and equipment 5) Sarai, a food handler, has an infected wound that is not properly covered. a) Sarai should be EXCLUDED from the operation. b) Sarai should be RESTRICTED from working with exposed food, utensils, and equipment 6) Mohammad, a line cook, has an eye infection with discharge. a) Mohammad should be EXCLUDED from the operation. b) Mohammad should be RESTRICTED from working with exposed food, utensils, and equipment 7) Maria has had jaundice (yellow skin or eyes) for less than a week. The jaundice must be reported to the regulatory authority. a) Maria should be EXCLUDED from the operation. She will need a doctor's written permission to return to work. b) Maria should be RESTRICTED from working with exposed food, utensils, and equipment 8) Julian has been vomiting since last night. a) Julian should be EXCLUDED from the operation. They need to be symptom free for 24 hours or have written permission from a doctor to return to work. b) Julian should be RESTRICTED from working with exposed food, utensils, and equipment 9) Tonya has been diagnosed with Hepatitis A. a) Tonya should be EXCLUDED from the operation. The situation needs to be reported to the regulatory authority, and with a medical professional they will decide if/how Tonya can work. b) Tonya should be RESTRICTED from working with exposed food, utensils, and equipment 10) José has been sneezing and coughing all day. He also has a runny nose. a) José should be EXCLUDED from the operation. b) José should be RESTRICTED from working with exposed food, utensils, and equipment
Exclusion or Restriction? (ServSafe Manager 3.19)
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