Absenteeism policy (or attendance policy) is a strategy companies use to regulate employees' attendance and time off, in order to deal with workplace absenteeism., Absenteeism policy (or attendance policy) is a strategy companies use to regulate employees' attendance and time off, in order to deal with workplace absenteesim. The policy defines and explains expectations for employee attendance with documentation, tracking method and a procedure for requesting time off., Absenteeism from work can be achieved through scheduled and unscheduled time off, while repeated unjustified absenteeism can lead to employee's dismissal., Absenteeism policy for employers: 1) Scheduled time off: employee's absence which was scheduled in advance and approved through the company's procedure for requesting time off from regular work hours for things like medical appointments, vacation, family responsibilities, jury duty, etc., Absenteeism policy for employers: 2) Unscheduled time off: employee's absence which was not scheduled nor approved through the company's procedure for requesting time off from regular work hours, such as sickness., Absenteeism policy for employers: 3)The employers need to explain what is expected in terms of their employees' attendance at work, making the employees aware of their obligations in a clear and concise way., Absenteeism policy clauses include: 1) Emphasizing the importance of filling in a form for any kind of leave., Absenteeism policy clauses include: 2) Stating that managers should be notified within a reasonable period of time about their employees' absence., Absenteeism policy clauses include: 3) Defining what is considered an acceptable amount of absenteeism in the company., Absenteeism policy clauses include: 4) Indicating that frequent unjustified absenence could be a valid reason for his/her dismissal., An absenteeism policy is an effective method for monitoring, moderating and reducing absenteeism in your company. It give detailed insight into employee productivity and absence patterns. The information employers obtain through this policy helps manage employees' performance in ways of rewarding or sanctioning them..


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