1) When was slavery abolished in the US? a) 1865 b) 1800 c) 1900 d) 1776 2) What war led to the abolition of slavery? a) Civil War b) WWI c) Revolutionary War d) WWII 3) What was the main goal of Reconstruction? a) Rebuild South b) End Slavery c) Start War d) Economic Growth 4) When did the Reconstruction era end? a) 1877 b) 1865 c) 1900 d) 1920 5) Which event marked the US entry into WWI? a) Lusitania b) Zimmermann c) Pearl Harbor d) D-Day 6) What was the 'Roaring Twenties' known for? a) Depression b) Prosperity c) War d) Famine 7) What caused the Great Depression? a) Stock Crash b) Prohibition c) WWI d) WWII 8) What was the New Deal? a) Law b) Reform c) Treaty d) War 9) What is the supreme law of the land? a) Constitution b) Declaration c) Bill of Rights d) Laws of Congress 10) What does the judicial branch do? a) Makes Laws b) Executes Laws c) Reviews Laws d) Enforces Laws 11) What is one responsibility of US citizenship? a) Pay Taxes b) Travel Abroad c) Own Property d) Employment 12) Who makes federal laws? a) President b) Congress c) Judges d) States 13) Who vetoes bills? a) Congress b) President c) Judges d) Governors 14) What does the executive branch do? a) Makes Laws b) Executes Laws c) Reviews Laws d) Interprets Laws 15) What is the highest court in the United States? a) Supreme Court b) Federal Court c) District Court d) State Court 16) Who is the Governor of Virginia? a) Mayor b) President c) Senator d) Governor 17) What are civil liberties? a) Laws b) Freedoms c) Taxes d) Policies 18) What is the US economy mainly based on? a) Agriculture b) Manufacturing c) Services d) Mining 19) What role does the government play in the economy? a) No Role b) Full Control c) Regulator d) Sole Provider 20) What has driven technological advances since the 20th century? a) Steam Power b) Electricity c) Coal d) Manual Labor

19th Century Virginia & US History Quiz


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