mining, logging, oil drilling - raw materials, understanding the markets a company wants to serve - market planning, providing security for products, workers, and customers - risk management, determining the best methods for customers to obtain, locate, and use products - distribution, the design and development of products and services - product and service management, direct communication with customers in order to assess needs with products and services - selling, budgeting - finance, obtaining, managing, and using market information to improve decision making - market-information management, communicating information to customers through ads - promotion, establishing and communicating the value of products - pricing, the creation and maintenance of exchange relationships - marketing, offering products produced by others for sale to customers - merchandising, task and activities designed to keep a business operating - operations, taking raw materials and changing their forms so they can be used in production - processing, creates or obtains products or services for sale - production, using the needs of customers as the primary focus during the planning - marketing concept, food and other materials are grown for consumption - agriculture, You do not rely on others for the things you need to survive - self-sufficient, made it possible for people to produce larger quantities of a product - specialization of labor , distribution, price, and promotion - marketing mix,
Marketing Functions
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