whereas - I prefer working in the morning, ___________ my friend is more productive at night., and as such - She was the team leader, ____________, she was responsible for all the major decisions., Although - ________ it was raining, they still decided to go hiking., Even though - _________ he was tired, he stayed up late to finish the project., owing to - The flight was delayed _________ bad weather conditions., similarly - She enjoys reading novels. _________, her sister spends hours with books., In spite of - _________ the difficulties, they managed to complete the task on time., down to - The success of the event was _________ everyone's hard work and dedication., unwind - His constant stress is down to the fact that he never takes time to _________ and relax. It's like he's always on a treadmill., sieve - Owing to her memory being like a _______, she forgot to book the spa day to help her unwind after a long week on the treadmill of life., overrated - Although many people think vacations are __________, I believe they are essential to help us unwind from our daily treadmill of work and stress., as such - He has a memory like a sieve, and _________, he often forgets important things, which makes him feel overwhelmed and in constant need to unwind., Similarly to - _________ her, he finds most trendy gadgets overrated, especially when they promise to help you unwind but just keep you on a different kind of treadmill,
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