Ancient China (1248) - First Recorded Forensic Case in History:, 1590 - Invention of the Microscope:, 1665 - First Observation of Cells:, 1674 - Discovery of Microorganisms:, 1686 - Development of Fingerprint Science:, 1784 - 1st Recorded Forensic Use of Physical Evidence:, 1813 - Founding of Forensic Toxicology, 1835 - First Use of Bullet Comparison:, 1840 - First Forensic Toxicology Case:, 1879 - Bertillon System Developed:, 1880 - Fingerprinting Advancements:, 1892 - Fingerprinting Used in Crime:, 1893 - First Forensic Science Textbook Published:, 1901 - Discovery of Blood Typing:, 1903 - Bertillon System Fails:, 1910 (1/3) - Establishment of Locard's Exchange Principle:, 1910 (2/3) - First Crime Lab Established:, 1910 (3/3) - Forensic Document Examination:, 1920 - Development of the Comparison Microscope:, 1923 - First Forensic Science Lab in the U.S.:, 1932 - FBI Crime Lab Established:, 1940 - Development of Blood Spatter Analysis:, 1950s - Advances in Forensic Anthropology:, 1977 - AFIS (Automated Fingerprint Identification System):, 1984 - Discovery of DNA Fingerprinting:, 1986 - First Use of DNA in a Criminal Case:, 1996 - FBI's Combined DNA Index System (CODIS):, 2000 - Advancements in Digital Forensics:, 2002 - The Innocence Project:, 2017 - Forensic Genetic Genealogy:,
History of Forensic Science
12th Grade
Forensic Science
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