Addend - One of the numbers in an addition problem, Approximately - Not exact, but close, Difference - The answer t a subtraction problem, Digit - Any number such as 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, Equation - A math sentence using an equal sign, Estimate - A number close to an exact amount, Expanded Notation - Has multiplication... (3 x 100) + (6 x 10) + (1 x 1) + (6 x 0.1) + (2 x 0.01), Expression - A math combination of numbers, operations, and variables, Inverse Operation - Operations that are opposite of each other, Addition - An operation that combines numbers together to find a total, Subtraction - An operation that takes away from another , Place - The position where a number sits (What house is it in), Sum - The answer to an addition problem, Value - How much a number is worth, Related Facts - Math facts that are similar/related: fact families, Operation - +, -, x, ➗, Hundredth - 1/100 0.01 a penny 1/10 less of the tenths place, Tenth - 1/10 0.01 a dime 10x greater than a hundredth, Decimal - A dot separating the ones and tenths place, Variable - A symbol r letter that represents an unknown number, Total - A full amount: altogether, Billions - To the left of the hundred millions place; 10 times greater than the hundred millions, Millions - To the left of the hundred thousands; 1/10 of the ten millions, Strip Diagram - A rectangular model that illustrates equations using parts and wholes, Place Value - The value of the digit in a number, Row - Horizontal, side to side, Column - Vertical, up and down,
Place Value Vocab
4th Grade
Basic operations
Place value
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