transport - moved things from one place to another, paramilitary training - illegal or unofficial military-type training, armed group - a group that carries weapons, hostilities - fighting in a war or battle, combat - a fight or battle during war, messenger - a person who sends messages in a war, commit a crime - do something illegal, offense/crime - illegal things, arrested - taken to police station when you do something illegal, cited/citation - ordered to go to court, detained/confined - forced to stay somewhere, conviction - court says you are guilty, guilty plea - tell the court the you did illegal things yourself, disposition - result of a case, charge - police tell the court a person is guilty of a crime, sentence - punishment for a crime, suspended sentence - a person is guilty of a crime but don't have to go to jail right away, probation - the person does not go to jail, but they must follow some rules and stay out of trouble, parole - leave prison early before finish all your time in prison,

New N-400 Part 9, Q11-20



Kaksipuoleiset kortit on avoin malli. Se ei luo tulostaululle pisteitä.

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