What do you like about your house/ apartment?, Do you think it is difficult to buy presents for people? Why?, What's the best present you've ever received?, What's your weekday routine?, What kind of program do you enjoy watching? Why?, Would like to go on a cycling trip? Why?, What do you learn from traveling abroad?, Should vacations be relaxing or full of activities? Why?, Do you think people need to spend a lot of money to have a good time? , How do you help around in your house? What are your chores?, What kind of program do you like to do with your family?, What do you and your friends like doing together?, Do you have similar interests to your parents?, What's the best time of the year to visit RS? Why?, Do you think it is important for families to eat together? Why?, Do you enjoy studying? Why?, Which environmental problems do you think are the most serious in our country?, Have you ever worked as volunteer? What can people gain from working as a volunteer?, Have you ever tried any adventure sports? If not, would you like to?, Have you ever met a famous person personally? Who was it?, What's your favorite book? Why?, What are you good at?, Tell us about something you're proud of., Have you ever had a freightening experience? Tell us about it., Is there something you would like to possess? What is it?, Tell us about your happiest moment this year., Tell about something you don't like doing., Tell us about a nice trip you took..
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