1) Inflammation a) Relating to the stomach and intestines, often used to describe disorders of the digestive system. b) A medical specialist who deals with the diagnosis and treatment of blood disorders. c) The body's ability to resist infections and diseases through the action of the immune system. d) The body's response to injury or infection, characterized by redness, swelling, heat, and pain. e) Relating to the muscles and skeleton, often used to describe conditions affecting the bones, muscles, and joints. f) Refers to a sudden onset or short duration of a disease or condition. 2) Gastrointestinal a) Relating to the stomach and intestines, often used to describe disorders of the digestive system. b) A medical specialist who deals with the diagnosis and treatment of blood disorders. c) The body's ability to resist infections and diseases through the action of the immune system. d) The body's response to injury or infection, characterized by redness, swelling, heat, and pain. e) Relating to the muscles and skeleton, often used to describe conditions affecting the bones, muscles, and joints. f) Refers to a sudden onset or short duration of a disease or condition. 3) Musculoskeletal a) Relating to the stomach and intestines, often used to describe disorders of the digestive system. b) A medical specialist who deals with the diagnosis and treatment of blood disorders. c) The body's ability to resist infections and diseases through the action of the immune system. d) The body's response to injury or infection, characterized by redness, swelling, heat, and pain. e) Relating to the muscles and skeleton, often used to describe conditions affecting the bones, muscles, and joints. f) Refers to a sudden onset or short duration of a disease or condition. 4) immunity a) Relating to the stomach and intestines, often used to describe disorders of the digestive system. b) A medical specialist who deals with the diagnosis and treatment of blood disorders. c) The body's ability to resist infections and diseases through the action of the immune system. d) The body's response to injury or infection, characterized by redness, swelling, heat, and pain. e) Relating to the muscles and skeleton, often used to describe conditions affecting the bones, muscles, and joints. f) Refers to a sudden onset or short duration of a disease or condition. 5) Hematologist a) Relating to the stomach and intestines, often used to describe disorders of the digestive system. b) A medical specialist who deals with the diagnosis and treatment of blood disorders. c) The body's ability to resist infections and diseases through the action of the immune system. d) The body's response to injury or infection, characterized by redness, swelling, heat, and pain. e) Relating to the muscles and skeleton, often used to describe conditions affecting the bones, muscles, and joints. f) Refers to a sudden onset or short duration of a disease or condition. 6) Acute a) Relating to the stomach and intestines, often used to describe disorders of the digestive system. b) A medical specialist who deals with the diagnosis and treatment of blood disorders. c) The body's ability to resist infections and diseases through the action of the immune system. d) The body's response to injury or infection, characterized by redness, swelling, heat, and pain. e) Relating to the muscles and skeleton, often used to describe conditions affecting the bones, muscles, and joints. f) Refers to a sudden onset or short duration of a disease or condition. 7) Infectious a) A medical specialist who deals with blood b) An allergic reaction c) Being itchy d) Blood-borne e) Caused by or capable of being transmitted by infection. f) Sudden onset of disease 8) Diagnosis a) The identification of a disease or condition through examination and testing. b) An allergic reaction c) Being itchy d) Blood-borne e) Caused by or capable of being transmitted by infection. f) Sudden onset of disease 9) Benign a) The identification of a disease or condition through examination and testing. b) An allergic reaction c) Refers to a non-cancerous or non-threatening condition, often used to describe tumors. d) Blood-borne e) Caused by or capable of being transmitted by infection. f) Sudden onset of disease
Medical Terms
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