Role Play - Nursing students act as patients, nurses, family members, and technicians in a skit presentation that reveals a deeper learning point for the rest of the class., Flipped Classroom - Students complete pre-class preparation. Class sessions consist of discussion and problem solving. , Simulation - Break students into groups and allow them to practice more hands-on interventions and procedures, like a code blue scenario, and use their critical thinking skills to react quickly and efficiently. You, as the educator, can participate and guide as necessary, but take a smaller role and encourage students to do the heavy lifting., Case Study - An in-depth analysis of a real-life situation to illustrate class content. Students apply didactic content and theory to real life, simulated life, or both., Concept/Mind Map - Make connections between terms. Write one term per post it related to “concept”, stand up, move, develop map with post its, draw lines to make the connections between concepts. Call for pass the torch (pen), periodically throughout the session. Can add discussion to this one after., Discussion - Create a safe environment, provide divergent prompts, and support argument skills., One Minute Paper - Pose a question (biggest takeaway, or summarize what you now know about this concept). Encourage the use of bullets and shorthand. Set a timmer Encourage use of bullets, short hand, don’t worry about punctuation, Think-Pair-Share - Participants consider a concept and then compare possible ideas with a partner before sharing broadly., Games - A learning activity with rules involving chance, showcasing the players’ knowledge or skill. Used online or in-class. Used for reinforcement of knowledge rather than introduction of new knowledge. Debriefing is critical for students to connect the learning to concepts., Debate - Engages the process of inquiry or reasoned judgement on a proposition aimed at demonstrating the truth or falsehood of something., Knowledge, Skills, & Dispositions - Write a one-sentence summary of what happened here today; write 1 idea that you might use, and 1 word to describe how you feel right now.,
Active Teaching Strategies
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