Thesis Statement Article 1: The aim of this study is to account for the role of gender in both language learning strategies and productive vocabulary, Topic Sentence Article 1: Regarding our second research question, results revealed that there were not statistically significant gender-based divergences in productive vocabulary, which refuted our second hypothesis., The field of gender and SLA or FLA has been the focus of research since the 1970s., Vocabulary plays a crucial role in SLA and FLA (Laufer, 1998; Meara, 1990; Nation, 1990) because knowing the vocabulary of a language, learners would be able to communicate effectively., Evidence Article 1: Concerning the first research question, our data showed that female EFL learners in the second year of Spanish non-compulsory Secondary Education used language learning strategies significantly more than males, being 0.50 the difference in mean values., In the third research question, Spearman’s correlation coefficient showed a statistically significant, positive and direct relation between language learning strategies and productive vocabulary, which confirmed our third hypothesis., However, our findings revealed that 12th grade females knew 1,032 words, whilst males’ mean was 980 words., Claim Article 1: Males and females employ the same amount of language learning strategies, Males and females have the same amount of productive vocabulary, There is a statistically significant relationship between language learning strategies and productive vocabulary.,
Structural Elements "Gender-based Differences in EFL Learners’ Language Learning Strategies and Productive Vocabulary"
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