ipconfig - Used to configure IP, ping - Tests a network connection, hostname - View the name of the device, netstat - Displays networking statistics (TCP/IP), nslookup - Name server lookup, chkdsk - Checks and repairs disk problems, net user - View user account information and reset passwords, net use - Map a network share to a drive letter, tracert - Determine the route a packet takes to a destination, format - Formats a disk, xcopy - Copies files and folders, copy - Copies one or more files to another location, robocopy - Robust file and folder copy, gpupdate - Used to update group policy settings, gpresult - Displays set of policy information, shutdown - Shutdown the computer, sfc - System file checker, diskpart - Manage disk configurations, pathping - Combine ping and traceroute, winver - Displays the version of Windows that is running, the build number and what service packs are installed, cd - Stands for "Change Directory" - move to a specific Folder, dir - Displays a list of files and folders, md - Creates a new Directory, rmdir - Deletes a Directory,
A+ 1102 1.2 Windows Command-line Tools
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