a right-hand man. Who do you consider to be your right-hand man or woman in your professional life?, a self-made woman. What qualities do you think define a self-made woman in today's society?, a man of his word. How important is it for someone to be a man of his word in business relationships?, a man of action. Can you share an example of a man of action who has inspired you?, a man in the street. In your opinion, what does the term "man in the street" mean when discussing business trends?, a woman of means. How do you think a woman of means can influence her community or industry?, men in blue. What role do you believe men in blue play in supporting local businesses?, a woman of the world. How would you describe a woman of the world and her impact on global business practices?, a woman of many parts. What skills do you think make a woman of many parts successful in various fields?,

Revision of Idioms about men and women


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