biography - the story of someone's life, biology - the study of life, biologist - a scientist who studies life, biome - large area of earth with a specific climate and certain types of living things, telephone - something people can use to talk to people far away, microphone - device used to make sounds louder, headphones - padded speakers you wear over your ears to hear something, gyroscope - device used to tell when an object has changed direction; used for navigation by planes and ships, telescope - device used to see things far away, periscope - device used for observing through or around an object, telegraph - device that uses electricity to send messages far away, pictograph - graph that uses pictures to show data, photograph - picture made by using a camera; "drawing with light", kilometer - 1,000 meters , barometer - device used to measure pressure in the atmosphere, centimeter - 1/100 of a meter, diameter - the distance from one side of a circle to the opposite side, teleport - to disappear and then reappear in a different place, phonics - matching English sounds with English letters, perimeter - the distance around the outside of an object, bio - life, phon - sound, graph - written or drawn, scope - looking at, meter - measure, tele - far or distant,
Savvas Greek Roots Unit 2 Week 4
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