1) Deviate a) Showing uniformity or regularity in results b) A measure of the spread or dispersion in a set of data c) Volume d) To differ from the norm or expected value 2) The usual or expected standard a) Statistically important or noteworthy. b) Histogram c) Outcomes d) From the norm 3) Standard deviation a) A diagram that shows relationships between variables b) Probability distribution c) It is an example: The y-axis shows sales in dollars d) A measure of the spread or dispersion in a set of data 4) A measure of the relationship between two variables a) Significantly b) Probability distribution c) A graph using bars to compare quantities d) Outcomes 5) Sample a) A measure of the spread or dispersion in a set of data b) Increase/Decrease c) A subset of a population used for analysis d) Pie chart 6) Consistent a) Showing uniformity or regularity in results b) Without a specific pattern, order, or reason c) Columns and Rows d) Key/Legend 7) Correlations a) Statistically important or noteworthy. b) Significantly c) Labelled d) Pie chart 8) It is an example: The probability of flipping heads on a coin is 0.5. a) Columns and Rows b) Showing uniformity or regularity in results c) Increase/Decrease d) A probability 9) At random a) Significantly b) From the norm c) A variable whose values depend on outcomes of a random event reason d) Without a specific pattern, order, or reason 10) Random variable a) Without a specific pattern, order, or reason b) A diagram that shows relationships between variables c) Histogram d) Showing uniformity or regularity in results 11) The possible results of an experiment or event a) A variable whose values depend on outcomes of a random event reason b) Outcomes c) Probability distribution d) Key/Legend 12) A part, share, or number relative to the wholeProbability distribution a) Probability distribution b) A grid with rows and columns to organize data c) A measure of the spread or dispersion in a set of data d) Appreciate/Depreciate 13) Proportion a) A graph using bars to compare quantities b) Appreciate/Depreciate c) It is an example: A large proportion of students prefer online classes d) It is an example: The sales figures are shown in the bar chart 14) Ratio a) Probability distribution b) Significantly c) Labelled d) It is an example: The ratio of boys to girls in the class is 2:1 15) A general direction in which something changes or develops a) It is an example: The y-axis shows sales in dollars b) Trend c) From the norm d) A variable whose values depend on outcomes of a random event reason 16) The amount or quantity of something a) A diagram that shows relationships between variables b) It is an example: The sales figures are shown in the bar chart c) Volume d) Significantly 17) Outliers a) Trend b) Data points significantly different from others in a dataset. c) Outcomes d) A subset of a population used for analysis 18) Figures a) From the norm b) It is an example: The sales figures are shown in the bar chart c) Outcomes d) Showing uniformity or regularity in results 19) Marked with descriptive text or symbols a) A grid with rows and columns to organize data b) Columns and Rows c) Labelled d) Statistically important or noteworthy. 20) A circular chart divided into segments to represent proportions a) A graph using bars to compare quantities b) Pie chart c) It is an example: The sales figures are shown in the bar chart d) A probability 21) Parts of a pie chart a) Segments b) It is an example: The ratio of boys to girls in the class is 2:1 c) Flowchart d) Labelled 22) It is an example: The legend shows which color represents each year a) Key/Legend b) Histogram c) Increase/Decrease d) A grid with rows and columns to organize data 23) A bar graph representing frequency distribution a) A grid with rows and columns to organize data b) Outcomes c) It is an example: The x-axis indicates time d) Histogram 24) Bar chart a) A measure of the spread or dispersion in a set of data b) Flowchart c) A diagram that shows relationships between variables d) A graph using bars to compare quantities 25) Table a) Volume b) A grid with rows and columns to organize data c) To differ from the norm or expected value d) Histogram 26) Vertical and horizontal arrangements in a table a) Columns and Rows b) Outcomes c) It is an example: The sales figures are shown in the bar chart d) Pie chart 27) A diagram showing steps in a process a) Probability distribution b) A grid with rows and columns to organize data c) Trend d) Flowchart 28) Graph a) A diagram that shows relationships between variables b) It is an example: The x-axis indicates time c) Significantly d) It is an example: The y-axis shows sales in dollars 29) X-axis or horizontal axis indicates a) From the norm b) It is an example: The x-axis indicates time c) Pie chart d) It is an example: The y-axis shows sales in dollars 30) Y-axis or vertical axis shows a) It is an example: The x-axis indicates time b) Probability distribution c) It is an example: The y-axis shows sales in dollars d) Data points significantly different from others in a dataset. 31) A rise or fall in data values a) Increase/Decrease b) Significantly c) Segments d) A probability 32) Double/Soar/Plummet a) Sudden large increases or decreases b) A subset of a population used for analysis c) Without a specific pattern, order, or reason d) A diagram that shows relationships between variables 33) Gain or lose value over time a) A subset of a population used for analysis b) It is an example: The y-axis shows sales in dollars c) Appreciate/Depreciate d) A grid with rows and columns to organize data

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