1) What was the name of the ship that transported the Pilgrims to America? a) May Jane b) Mayflower c) Mayflour d) Maybee 2) What is the name of the day after Thanksgiving? a) Turkey Friday b) Orange Friday c) Pumpkin Friday d) Black Friday 3) How many turkeys do Americans prepare each Thanksgiving? a) 46 million b) 20 million c) 16 million d) 10 million 4) What pie do Americans prefer? a) Pecan pie b) Pumpkin pie c) Apple pie d) Mince pie 5) How long did the voyage of The Mayflower from England to America take? a) Around 6 days b) Around 66 days c) Around 6 weeks d) Around 6 months 6) What sport is traditionally watched on TV by many Americans on Thanksgiving day? a) Baseball b) Basketball c) Volleyball d) American football 7) What meat is the most popular alternative to turkey at Thanksgiving? a) Ham b) Steak c) Chicken d) Sausages 8) In which city is the traditional Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade held? a) Washington D.C. b) Los Angeles c) Plymouth d) New York City 9) What were turkeys first bred in Europe for? a) Eggs b) Feathers c) Meat d) Voice 10) Where was the first Thanksgiving celebrated? a) New Orleans, Louisiana b) New York City, New York c) Plymouth, Massachusetts d) Seattle, Washington 11) What does "cornucopia" mean? a) A lot of corn b) Horn of plenty c) Popcorn d) Greek goddess of corn 12) Do turkeys actually gobble? a) Only male turkeys b) Only female turkeys c) They all gobble d) They don't gobble 13) How many days did the first Thanksgiving celebration last? a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 7 14) What is the traditional drink offered at Thanksgiving? a) Coca Cola b) Mint tea c) Pumpkin latte d) Apple cider 15) How many Pilgrims survived the first winter in Plymouth? a) Almost all of them b) None c) About 10% d) About a half of them 16) When is Thanksgiving in Canada? a) The second Monday in October b) The second Monday in November c) The second Thursday in October d) The second Thursday in November 17) What are male turkeys called? a) Hens b) Toms c) Bobs d) Bens 18) What's the name of red berry sauce commonly served with turkey? a) Ketchup b) Mayonnaise c) Cranberry sauce d) Tartare sauce 19) Which President officially declared Thanksgiving a national holiday? a) Thomas Jefferson b) Abraham Lincoln c) George Washington d) Barack Obama 20) What famous Christmas song was initially written for Thanksgiving? a) Jingle Bells b) Silent Night c) Last Christmas d) All I Want for Christmas Is You 21) What are female turkeys called? a) Girls b) Hens c) Chicks d) Ducks


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