1) How do you sift the wheat from the chaff when shopping online and choosing between hundreds of products? 2) Do you think it’s always easy to sift the wheat from the chaff in sales or promotions? Why or why not? 3) Have you ever bought something and realized later it was dead stock? What was it? 4) Why do you think some products end up as dead stock in stores? 5) Do you enjoy window-shopping? What kind of items do you usually look at? 6) Have you ever gone window-shopping and ended up buying something unexpectedly? 7) Do you often get carried away when you see a big sale? What happens? 8) How do you stop yourself from getting carried away while shopping? 9) When was the last time you splashed the cash on something expensive? Was it worth it? 10) Do you think people should splash the cash on experiences or material items? Why? 11) How often do you shop around before buying something? Does it help you save money? 12) Why do stores ramp up their marketing before big holidays like Christmas? 13) How do you feel about companies ramping up prices for certain products during busy seasons? 14) Have you ever been to a store slashing prices on everything? What did you buy? 15) Do you think slashing prices is a good way for businesses to attract customers? Why or why not?


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