Are you a person to do the Christmas shopping early?, Define Santa Claus., Did it snow last year at Christmas?, Did you believe in Santa Claus when you were a child?, Did you enjoy last Christmas?, Do people behave differently during Christmas?, Do you attend any special ceremonies at Christmas?, Do you decorate the outside of your house for Christmas?, Do you eat a turkey dinner for your Christmas dinner?, Do you exchange presents with your friends and family?, Do you hang up stockings?, Do you have a big and delicious dinner on Christmas Day?, Do you have a real or artificial Christmas tree?, Do you have any Christmas traditions in your family?, Do you know any Christmas songs?, Do you know the history of Santa Claus?, Do you put up a Christmas tree in your home?, Do you send Christmas cards?, Have you ever donated anything to charities for Christmas?, Have you ever celebrated Christmas in a foreign country?, Have you ever made your own Christmas cards?, How do you celebrate Christmas in your country?, How does Christmas differ in different countries?, How many gifts do you usually give?, If you could go anywhere for Christmas, where would you go?, If you have a Christmas tree, how do you decorate it?, What are some popular foods for the Christmas season?, What did you do last year on Christmas Day?, What's the best Christmas present you've ever got?, What is the significance of the Christmas tree?, What's the weather like in your country around Christmas time?, What's your attitude towards the commercialization of the Christmas season?, Where do you think Santa Claus is from?, Why do people sometimes write "Christmas" with an "X" (Xmas)?, Why do you think there's a high suicide rate around Christmas?, Why some people don't like Christmas?.
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