1) The Earth is...? a) Spherical b) Flat c) A star d) A moon 2) The ______ orbits the Earth. a) Sun b) Earth c) moon d) solar system 3) The _____ is at the centre of our solar system. a) Moon b) Earth c) Universe d) Sun 4) The Earth orbits _____ ? a) the Moon b) the Sun c) Saturn d) every planet 5) What is the next planet? Mercury, Venus, Earth, _____ a) Saturn b) Uranus c) Venus d) Mars 6) The Sun is a _____ ? a) Star b) Moon c) Planet d) solar system 7) What does the word orbit mean? a) To move up and down b) To move around in a circular motion c) To rotate on an axis d) To grow larger 8) What is the correct order of the planets? a) Mercury, Venus, Mars, Earth, Jupiter, Saturn b) Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune c) Earth, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune d) Uranus, Neptune, Earth, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn 9) A star is? a) A spherical ball of rock b) A Planet c) A frozen sphere of ice d) A huge ball of burning gas 10) How many stars are there in the universe? a) Not many b) 100 c) Billions d) 1 11) What rotates to give us day and night? a) The Sun b) Earth c) A wheel d) The Moon 12) Earth rotates on its... a) Stick b) Front c) Axis 13) The Sun rises in the... a) North b) West c) South d) East 14) The Sun sets in the... a) West b) East c) South d) North e) Shredded Wheat 15) Shadows are shortest at what time in the day? a) 6am b) 6pm c) 12pm (noon) d) 12am (midnight)
USII Earth and Space Quiz
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