If I had a magic wand, I would..., When I grow up, I want to be a..., My favorite thing about my family is..., A quality I look for in a friend is..., I feel confident when..., The happiest time in my life was..., My favorite season is..., My favorite season is..., My friends would say that I am..., I am best at..., I am still practicing..., What I love most about myself is..., In my free time, I like to..., I feel excited when..., I am grateful for..., I can express gratitude by..., Something that motivates me is..., Two ways I can be kind to others are..., My hidden talent is..., Something that makes me unique is..., Manicure or Hairstyled, Your favorite sweet treat is..., Best character trait that describes you is..., Cool Musician or Song, 3 Gross Foods, Fun sport to play, 3 yummy foods, Best snacks are, Who would you like to meet?, Nickname, Dream vacation, A cool gift i received , Three wishes, Favorite breakfast food, Birthday? Age?, What kind of music do you like?, Do you have a pet?, If you were a cereal what kind would you be?, Name one thing you like about yourself?, What kind of ice cream do you like?.
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