1) What type of molecule is water? a) polar b) nonpolar c) semipolar 2) What is the term called when water molecules stick to each other? a) adhesion b) cohesion c) subhesion 3) What type of bonds hold water molecules together? a) ionic b) covalent c) hydrogen 4) Capillary action is an example of ___________. a) adhesion b) subhesion c) cohesion 5) The hydrogen and oxygen atoms are held together by _______________ bonds. a) ionic b) hydrogen c) covalent 6) What is the name of the property of water that produces sweat? a) Universal solvent b) Evaporative cooling c) High heat of vaporization 7) What does it mean to be polar? a) having an equal distribution of charges b) that water is very cold c) having an unequal distribution of charges 8) What causes the water strider to appear as if it's walking on water? a) surface tension b) water tension c) solute tension 9) What percent of the Earth's surface is covered by water? a) 80% b) 75% c) 70% 10) Most substances dissolve in water, making water the ___________________. a) universal solute b) universal solvent c) universal solution

Properties of Water


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