Loser - Smart & Loved, Eggy - Crackable & Also Smart, Tree - Loves Loser, Speaker Box - Host, Four - Mean & Host, X - Co-Host & Good, Leafy - Nice, Purple Face - Co-Co Host, Teardrop - Can't Talk, Pencil - 64th & Fell In IDFB, Match - Friends With Pencil, Bubble - Poppable, Gelitin - Eatable, Liy - Swichable, Blocky - Mean And Has Funny Doings, Ice Cube - Meltable And Tiny, Stapy - Inf+ Staples, Foldy - Inf+ Folds, Taco - Eatable & Hates Blocky, Spongy - Lazy, Flower - Mean, Balloony - Flyable, Lolipop - Cares About His Spray & Not Yellow Face's, Firey - Hates Water, Two - Host Of TPOT, Saw - Pink Saw Top, Snowball - Friend With Pen & Eraser, Pen - Friend With SB & Eraser, Eraser - Friend With Pen & SB, 8 Ball - No Limbs,

BFB And BFDI Crossword 2


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