
14 99 b2 c1

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CAE Speaking Part
CAE Speaking Part Roue aléatoire
CAE Speaking
CAE Speaking Ouvrir la boîte
Speaking B1-B2
Speaking B1-B2 Roue aléatoire
FCE Questions
FCE Questions Roue aléatoire
Phrasal Verbs B2-C1
Phrasal Verbs B2-C1 Apparier
Vocabulary in Use Advanced
Vocabulary in Use Advanced Anagramme
Health Idioms
Health Idioms Complétez la phrase
CAE Objective Unite 1
CAE Objective Unite 1 Apparier
CAE Speaking Part 1
CAE Speaking Part 1 Ouvrir la boîte
FCE Speaking Part 1
FCE Speaking Part 1 Démêler
Sprechen zum Thema "Zeit"
Sprechen zum Thema "Zeit" Cartes aléatoires
TO BE Roue aléatoire
EGE SPEAKING PART 4 (2) Complétez la phrase
Personality B2
Personality B2 Complétez la phrase
Food B2
Food B2 Anagramme
Vocabulary (Health/Travel/Holiday)
Vocabulary (Health/Travel/Holiday) Apparier
What if...
What if... Roue aléatoire
Money matters 1 - Gateway B2
Money matters 1 - Gateway B2 Trouver la correspondance
Idioms describing people
Idioms describing people Démêler
Phrasal Verbs
Phrasal Verbs Apparier
Personality (Solutions UI p.8)
Personality (Solutions UI p.8) Trouver la correspondance
Speaking B2-C1
Speaking B2-C1 Roue aléatoire
Reporting verbs (common patterns followed by verbs)
Reporting verbs (common patterns followed by verbs) Trier par groupe
FCE Speaking Part 3
FCE Speaking Part 3 Trier par groupe
MONEY B2 Vocab
MONEY B2 Vocab Trier par groupe
EDUCATION B2 Vocab Apparier
WORK B2 Vocab
WORK B2 Vocab Vrai ou faux
ЕГЭ - essay writing language
ЕГЭ - essay writing language Trier par groupe
Relationships IELTS part 2 speaking (no prompts)
Relationships IELTS part 2 speaking (no prompts) Roue aléatoire
Taboo (B2-C1)
Taboo (B2-C1) Cartes aléatoires
Nomen Verb Verbindung Welches Verb
Nomen Verb Verbindung Welches Verb Trier par groupe
Pleasant and unpleasant feelings (B2-C1)
Pleasant and unpleasant feelings (B2-C1) Trier par groupe
Oral test: Intermediate, Upper-intermediate, Advanced
Oral test: Intermediate, Upper-intermediate, Advanced Cartes aléatoires
Car anatomy
Car anatomy Diagramme étiqueté
Speaking - long turn
Speaking - long turn Ouvrir la boîte
Sport-related phrasal verbs
Sport-related phrasal verbs Apparier
Negative PREFIXES Trouver la correspondance
Adjectives to describe PLACES
Adjectives to describe PLACES Apparier
ed/ing adjectives and emotions
ed/ing adjectives and emotions Vrai ou faux
EDUCATION phrasal verbs B1-B2
EDUCATION phrasal verbs B1-B2 Complétez la phrase
Writing an Article
Writing an Article Trier par groupe
Verbs with Infinitive AND Gerund
Verbs with Infinitive AND Gerund Roue aléatoire
Winter Holidays Conversation Questions [B1-C2]
Winter Holidays Conversation Questions [B1-C2] Roue aléatoire
Cambridge B2 Speaking Part 3: Agreeing & Disagreeing
Cambridge B2 Speaking Part 3: Agreeing & Disagreeing Trier par groupe
FCE B2 Phrasal verbs
FCE B2 Phrasal verbs Trouver la correspondance
Strong adjectives: level ultra
Strong adjectives: level ultra Apparier
Konjunktiv I - die indirekte Rede
Konjunktiv I - die indirekte Rede Cartes aléatoires
 SM1 fruit and veg anagram
SM1 fruit and veg anagram Cartes aléatoires
money Apparier
HEALTH IDIOMS B2 Complétez la phrase
Gateway Unit 1 B2
Gateway Unit 1 B2 Anagramme
Phrases with prepositions B2
Phrases with prepositions B2 Quiz
b2+ unit5 vocabulary
b2+ unit5 vocabulary Complétez la phrase
Sicher C1 Umschreibung der Modalverben
Sicher C1 Umschreibung der Modalverben Trier par groupe
Unit 14 p. 98-99
Unit 14 p. 98-99 Complétez la phrase
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