
2nd grade feelings

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 Spotlight 4 Module 5 Unit 10a
Spotlight 4 Module 5 Unit 10a Retournez les tuiles
Spotlight 4 Module 5 Unit 10a
Spotlight 4 Module 5 Unit 10a Apparier
Emotions Ouvrir la boîte
Spotlight 4 Module 5 Unit 10a
Spotlight 4 Module 5 Unit 10a Quiz
Feelings Complétez la phrase
Spotlight 4 Module 5 Unit 10a
Spotlight 4 Module 5 Unit 10a Anagramme
Spotlight 4 Module 5 Unit 10a
Spotlight 4 Module 5 Unit 10a Mots mêlés
Spotlight 4 Module 5 Unit 10a
Spotlight 4 Module 5 Unit 10a Pendu
 Spotlight 4 Module 5 Unit 10a
Spotlight 4 Module 5 Unit 10a Poursuite dans le labyrinthe
FF2 Unit 2. Verb "be"
FF2 Unit 2. Verb "be" Quiz
2nd Conditonal SPEAKING
2nd Conditonal SPEAKING Cartes aléatoires
Verb to be + feelings
Verb to be + feelings Quiz
Feelings B2
Feelings B2 Complétez la phrase
What do they feel? Why?
What do they feel? Why? Ouvrir la boîte
Pleasant and unpleasant feelings (B2-C1)
Pleasant and unpleasant feelings (B2-C1) Trier par groupe
Feelings and Emotions
Feelings and Emotions Des paires
ff2 unit 2 feelings
ff2 unit 2 feelings Cartes aléatoires
FF1 Unit 2. Toys. Listening Quiz.
FF1 Unit 2. Toys. Listening Quiz. Quiz
2nd conditional
2nd conditional Cartes aléatoires
GE B1+ 2nd Unit 2 Regular adj vs Strong adj
GE B1+ 2nd Unit 2 Regular adj vs Strong adj Apparier
P.47 - Vocabulary (b)
P.47 - Vocabulary (b) Mots mêlés
P.47 - Song (b)
P.47 - Song (b) Apparier
Solutions_Pre-Intermediate_Unit 1a
Solutions_Pre-Intermediate_Unit 1a Apparier
P.47 - Song (a)
P.47 - Song (a) Complétez la phrase
Unit 3 My feelings
Unit 3 My feelings Cartes aléatoires
Solution Pre-intermediate Unit 1A
Solution Pre-intermediate Unit 1A Mots croisés
FF2 Unit 2. Feelings.
FF2 Unit 2. Feelings. Quiz
Feelings Real Life Elementary
Feelings Real Life Elementary Trouver la correspondance
P.47 - Vocabulary (a)
P.47 - Vocabulary (a) Fiches de révision
FF2 Unit 2. Feelings.
FF2 Unit 2. Feelings. Quiz
Adjectives with prepositions (Go Getter 2 3.5)
Adjectives with prepositions (Go Getter 2 3.5) Trouver la correspondance
FF2 Unit 2. Feelings.
FF2 Unit 2. Feelings. Des paires
P.49 - To Be Verb - Affirmative and Negative
P.49 - To Be Verb - Affirmative and Negative Fiches de révision
Family and Friends 3 (2nd ed) Unit 3 Lessons 4,5
Family and Friends 3 (2nd ed) Unit 3 Lessons 4,5 Apparier
Family and Friends 4 (2nd ed) (Unit 3 Lesson 1)
Family and Friends 4 (2nd ed) (Unit 3 Lesson 1) Trouver la correspondance
Synonyms - Feelings-Advanced
Synonyms - Feelings-Advanced Des paires
Solutions Elementary 2G
Solutions Elementary 2G Apparier
IC ex.4 Feelings
IC ex.4 Feelings Diagramme étiqueté
Family and Friends 1 (2nd ed) (Unit 1,2)
Family and Friends 1 (2nd ed) (Unit 1,2) Diagramme étiqueté
Family and Friends 3 (2nd ed) (Unit 3 Lesson 5)
Family and Friends 3 (2nd ed) (Unit 3 Lesson 5) Pendu
Feelings Roue aléatoire
Feelings Trouver la correspondance
Family and Friends 3 (2nd ed) Unit 3 Lessons 4, 5
Family and Friends 3 (2nd ed) Unit 3 Lessons 4, 5 Anagramme
1.2 This / That / These / Those
1.2 This / That / These / Those Quiz
Feelings Apparier
Feelings Fiches de révision
feelings Trouver la correspondance
Feelings Solutions Pre-Intermediate
Feelings Solutions Pre-Intermediate Quiz
Feelings Anagramme
Feelings. PET
Feelings. PET Apparier
Feelings Quiz de l’image
Feelings Apparier
Feelings Apparier
feelings Roue aléatoire
Feelings Des paires
Feelings Trouver la correspondance
Feelings Quiz
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