
3-й класс Present Continuous

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Надя 1
Надя 1 Trier par groupe
Present Simple + Continious  elementary
Present Simple + Continious elementary Quiz
Present Simple vs Present Continuous
Present Simple vs Present Continuous Complétez la phrase
Present Simple vs Present Continious
Present Simple vs Present Continious Complétez la phrase
Present Continuous & household chores
Present Continuous & household chores Quiz
Present Continious
Present Continious Quiz télévisé
Fun with Fizz 2, Unit 3, Present Continuous
Fun with Fizz 2, Unit 3, Present Continuous Démêler
Make sentenses.
Make sentenses. Démêler
Present Continuous Sorry!
Present Continuous Sorry! Cartes aléatoires
Present Continuous|to be
Present Continuous|to be Quiz
Present Continuous
Present Continuous Quiz
The Present Continous Tense
The Present Continous Tense Quiz
Present Continuous
Present Continuous Démêler
Present Continuous
Present Continuous Cartes aléatoires
Do/Does Present Simple questions
Do/Does Present Simple questions Quiz
Rainbow 3 unit 6 ex.2
Rainbow 3 unit 6 ex.2 Quiz
Find the Present Simple markers
Find the Present Simple markers Mots mêlés
Present Simple - Present Continuous Questions
Present Simple - Present Continuous Questions Cartes aléatoires
Present Simple. Time. in the Morning/Afternoon/Evening
Present Simple. Time. in the Morning/Afternoon/Evening Cartes aléatoires
 To be - am, is, are +, -
To be - am, is, are +, - Quiz
Santa questions PrSimple
Santa questions PrSimple Cartes aléatoires
Signal Words. Present Simple vs Present Continuous
Signal Words. Present Simple vs Present Continuous Trier par groupe
Present Continuous Kid's Box 2
Present Continuous Kid's Box 2 Démêler
Kid's box 2 unit 5 Present Continuous
Kid's box 2 unit 5 Present Continuous Démêler
Present Continuous
Present Continuous Démêler
Present Simple, Present Continuous, Future Simple
Present Simple, Present Continuous, Future Simple Complétez la phrase
Present Simple affirmative
Present Simple affirmative Quiz
Present Simple vs Present Continuous
Present Simple vs Present Continuous Trier par groupe
Pronouns 2 (by alt1147)
Pronouns 2 (by alt1147) Quiz
Present Simple VS Present Continuous
Present Simple VS Present Continuous Quiz
Some Any Much Many
Some Any Much Many Quiz
AS 3 Unit 4 How much/ How many ?
AS 3 Unit 4 How much/ How many ? Trier par groupe
Starlight 3 Module 3 Irregular plurals
Starlight 3 Module 3 Irregular plurals Des paires
Starlight 3 (Round-up) Look and write Test
Starlight 3 (Round-up) Look and write Test Anagramme
Spotlight 3 Module 5a
Spotlight 3 Module 5a Trouver la correspondance
Past Simple 1 (Irregular verbs)
Past Simple 1 (Irregular verbs) Apparier
this that
this that Quiz
How old is ____? ____ is ____
How old is ____? ____ is ____ Cartes aléatoires
 глаголы 3 класс
глаголы 3 класс Apparier
pronoun Trier par groupe
AS 3 Unit 2 Vocabulary
AS 3 Unit 2 Vocabulary Pendu
Правила чтения
Правила чтения Cartes aléatoires
ЧАСТИ ТЕЛА И ЛИЦА Diagramme étiqueté
FF2 unit 7
FF2 unit 7 Quiz
FF2 unit 7
FF2 unit 7 Anagramme
Have got/has got +, -, ?
Have got/has got +, -, ? Quiz
Make a sentence about yesterday (irregular past simple)
Make a sentence about yesterday (irregular past simple) Cartes aléatoires
FH3 unit 22 irregular verbs
FH3 unit 22 irregular verbs Apparier
There is ( my house)
There is ( my house) Cartes aléatoires
New year
New year Frapper-une-taupe
Past Simple 1 (Irregular verbs)
Past Simple 1 (Irregular verbs) Quiz
family and friends 2 units 1-5 warm up
family and friends 2 units 1-5 warm up Roue aléatoire
Rainbow 3: Unit 6 профессии
Rainbow 3: Unit 6 профессии Quiz
падежи Frapper-une-taupe
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