
Английский язык 8 12

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Like + Ving
Like + Ving Quiz
be good at
be good at Démêler
Appearance Diagramme étiqueté
prepare 1 unit 9-12 grammar
prepare 1 unit 9-12 grammar Complétez la phrase
Food. Containers.
Food. Containers. Trier par groupe
Numbers 10-100
Numbers 10-100 Des paires
A/an; some
A/an; some Trier par groupe
Months Pendu
Food: countable/uncountable
Food: countable/uncountable Trier par groupe
Irregular verbs
Irregular verbs Apparier
prepare unit 7
prepare unit 7 Trouver la correspondance
School Subjects Extra
School Subjects Extra Pendu
Quarter to (time)
Quarter to (time) Apparier
Object pronouns
Object pronouns Quiz
Go Getter 3_Unit 8.4
Go Getter 3_Unit 8.4 Quiz
The secret of the Egyptian cat (story)
The secret of the Egyptian cat (story) Complétez la phrase
Face (SM2 Unit 6)
Face (SM2 Unit 6) Pendu
Danger SM4 U3 Vocab
Danger SM4 U3 Vocab Apparier
Actions Des paires
Past Simple questions
Past Simple questions Quiz
Danger Anagramme
good/not good at
good/not good at Pendu
Numbers 10-100 Extra
Numbers 10-100 Extra Mots mêlés
In the hospital
In the hospital Apparier
Christmas Vocab
Christmas Vocab Quiz
Like/love/hate + Ving
Like/love/hate + Ving Quiz
Past Simple + (regular verbs)
Past Simple + (regular verbs) Cartes aléatoires
Can you...?
Can you...? Roue aléatoire
Whose...? Quiz
Colors Balloon pop
Pronouns I-my, you-your, she-her, he - his, etc.
Pronouns I-my, you-your, she-her, he - his, etc. Cartes aléatoires
Daily Tasks
Daily Tasks Des paires
FlyHigh 2. Are you?  Are they? Are we?
FlyHigh 2. Are you? Are they? Are we? Retournez les tuiles
FlyHigh 2, Lesson 10. They're our toys.
FlyHigh 2, Lesson 10. They're our toys. Retournez les tuiles
Daily Tasks (SM3)
Daily Tasks (SM3) Pendu
My Day (1st person)
My Day (1st person) Diagramme étiqueté
Market/Supermarket Diagramme étiqueté
What is going to happen?
What is going to happen? Cartes aléatoires
Is/Are there any?
Is/Are there any? Quiz
Superlatives Trier par groupe
Adverbs of manner A2
Adverbs of manner A2 Trier par groupe
Short answers
Short answers Apparier
Rubbish Sorting Out
Rubbish Sorting Out Trier par groupe
Go Getter 2_8.1 (dates)
Go Getter 2_8.1 (dates) Apparier
party time prepare 1
party time prepare 1 Apparier
Английский Trouver la correspondance
Английский Quiz
Starlight 7 Voluntourism 1f
Starlight 7 Voluntourism 1f Complétez la phrase
What Christine Found (SM3)
What Christine Found (SM3) Classement par rang
In the Planetarium
In the Planetarium Apparier
Vocabulary from the story (What Christine found)
Vocabulary from the story (What Christine found) Anagramme
Christmas Ouvrir la boîte
Academy Stars 5 Unit 8 Synonyms
Academy Stars 5 Unit 8 Synonyms Apparier
Oxford Phonics World 3  -igh-  -ie
Oxford Phonics World 3 -igh- -ie Des paires
I am good/not good at....
I am good/not good at.... Ouvrir la boîte
Do you like?
Do you like? Roue aléatoire
Must/mustn't Complétez la phrase
And, but, or
And, but, or Apparier
Restauration auto-sauvegardé :  ?