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20 résultats pour « efpi »

Question with auxilliaries (DO|DOES|IS|ARE)
Question with auxilliaries (DO|DOES|IS|ARE) Cartes aléatoires
Unjumble these questions
Unjumble these questions Démêler
MAKE or DO? Trier par groupe
Describing people
Describing people Mots croisés
Have you ever...?
Have you ever...? Ouvrir la boîte
Past Simple vs Past Continuous
Past Simple vs Past Continuous Complétez la phrase
What's the question?
What's the question? Complétez la phrase
Adjectives to describe personality and appearance
Adjectives to describe personality and appearance Mots croisés
Common Verb Phrases
Common Verb Phrases Apparier
Unjumble these sentence with comparative forms
Unjumble these sentence with comparative forms Démêler
Complete the conversations with the missing word/phrase
Complete the conversations with the missing word/phrase Complétez la phrase
Match the words with their transcriptions
Match the words with their transcriptions Apparier
Infinitives or Gerunds
Infinitives or Gerunds Poursuite dans le labyrinthe
Adverbs or Adjectives?
Adverbs or Adjectives? Complétez la phrase
EFPI Special Questions
EFPI Special Questions Cartes aléatoires
8a EFPI Should/ shouldn't
8a EFPI Should/ shouldn't Complétez la phrase
EFPI General Questions
EFPI General Questions Cartes aléatoires
Can you ... ? (Units 3-4)
Can you ... ? (Units 3-4) Ouvrir la boîte
Revision Questionnaire
Revision Questionnaire Démêler
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