
Початкова освіта Smart junior

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Smart Junior 4 Unit 1
Smart Junior 4 Unit 1 Démêler
Smart Junior Unit 2
Smart Junior Unit 2 Trouver la correspondance
 Smart junior 3 smart kids
Smart junior 3 smart kids Apparier
Smart Junior 4 Past Simple Irregular verbs
Smart Junior 4 Past Simple Irregular verbs Des paires
Street Food (Smart Junior 3)
Street Food (Smart Junior 3) Quiz
Smart Junior Unit 2 - Vocabulary
Smart Junior Unit 2 - Vocabulary Trouver la correspondance
Smart Junior 3, Unit 7, lexics check
Smart Junior 3, Unit 7, lexics check Quiz de l’image
smart junior 3 unit 8 regular verbs
smart junior 3 unit 8 regular verbs Complétez la phrase
smart junior 3 unit 8 verbs past present
smart junior 3 unit 8 verbs past present Trier par groupe
smart junior 3 unit 8 on holiday
smart junior 3 unit 8 on holiday Cartes aléatoires
Smart Junior 3. Our World 1
Smart Junior 3. Our World 1 Quiz
 Smart Junior 2. Module 2а
Smart Junior 2. Module 2а Des paires
Smart Junior 3. Module 2
Smart Junior 3. Module 2 Complétez la phrase
Are you OK?
Are you OK? Quiz de l’image
Smart Junior 4. Module 1. Smart Kids
Smart Junior 4. Module 1. Smart Kids Quiz
Smart Junior 3 Unit 5
Smart Junior 3 Unit 5 Quiz
smart junior 4 unit 2
smart junior 4 unit 2 Apparier
smart junior 4 unit 4
smart junior 4 unit 4 Cartes aléatoires
Smart Junior 4 Unit 3 REVISION (Past Tense)
Smart Junior 4 Unit 3 REVISION (Past Tense) Quiz
Smart Junior 3. Our World 1
Smart Junior 3. Our World 1 Quiz
Smart kids 3
Smart kids 3 Apparier
smart j 4 unit 8
smart j 4 unit 8 Apparier
 smart j 4 unit 8
smart j 4 unit 8 Apparier
Smart J 3 Mod 7 let's play
Smart J 3 Mod 7 let's play Trouver la correspondance
Smart Junior 2. 1b
Smart Junior 2. 1b Trouver la correspondance
Smart Junior 3. Module 2
Smart Junior 3. Module 2 Quiz
Irregular Verbs. Smart Junior 3
Irregular Verbs. Smart Junior 3 Quiz
 Smart Junior 2. 1b
Smart Junior 2. 1b Des paires
Smart J 3 unit 6 Food 6a
Smart J 3 unit 6 Food 6a Regarder et mémoriser
Irregular Verbs. Smart Junior 3
Irregular Verbs. Smart Junior 3 Cartes aléatoires
Smart J 3 Mod 7 Let's play Questions
Smart J 3 Mod 7 Let's play Questions Quiz
What's the matter?
What's the matter? Anagramme
That's amazing. Vocabulary
That's amazing. Vocabulary Anagramme
Present Simple vs Present Continuous easy
Present Simple vs Present Continuous easy Vrai ou faux
Smart Junior 2. Module 2
Smart Junior 2. Module 2 Cartes aléatoires
Smart Junior 3. Module 2
Smart Junior 3. Module 2 Démêler
SJ4 M5 Vocabulary
SJ4 M5 Vocabulary Retournez les tuiles
Smart Junior 3. Revision 1
Smart Junior 3. Revision 1 Cartes aléatoires
4a M6 Vocabulary
4a M6 Vocabulary Anagramme
M8. Clothes. He is wearing...
M8. Clothes. He is wearing... Diagramme étiqueté
Smart J 3 unit 6 Food 6a Назвіть
Smart J 3 unit 6 Food 6a Назвіть Roue aléatoire
smart junior 4 unit 6
smart junior 4 unit 6 Apparier
There is/are
There is/are Quiz
Food вікторина
Food вікторина Quiz
numbers 20-100
numbers 20-100 Trouver la correspondance
Smart Junior 2. Animals
Smart Junior 2. Animals Quiz
smart junior 3 mod 8 past negative
smart junior 3 mod 8 past negative Démêler
 Smart Junior 2. Module 1a
Smart Junior 2. Module 1a Quiz
M8. Clothes. Game for Lesson A
M8. Clothes. Game for Lesson A Diagramme étiqueté
Smart Junior 3. Module 3
Smart Junior 3. Module 3 Cartes aléatoires
Food Anagramme
Smart junior 4. Unit 8.
Smart junior 4. Unit 8. Démêler
Past Simple Smart Junior 3 Unit 8
Past Simple Smart Junior 3 Unit 8 Trier par groupe
M8. Clothes. Matching pairs. Lessons A-C
M8. Clothes. Matching pairs. Lessons A-C Apparier
Degrees of comparison
Degrees of comparison Quiz
M8. Clothes. He/she is wearing...
M8. Clothes. He/she is wearing... Vrai ou faux
Smart Junior 3 Unit 7 Let's play vocab
Smart Junior 3 Unit 7 Let's play vocab Cartes aléatoires
Smart junior 4 mod 5 our world
Smart junior 4 mod 5 our world Apparier
Smart Junior 2. Revision 1
Smart Junior 2. Revision 1 Quiz
SJ 3 Mod 6  some any
SJ 3 Mod 6 some any Complétez la phrase
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