
Середня школа English / ESL Jobs

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Future Careers and Jobs. Speaking A2
Future Careers and Jobs. Speaking A2 Retournez les tuiles
Focus 1 Unit 3 jobs
Focus 1 Unit 3 jobs Fiches de révision
Jobs Pendu
Past Simple. Correct the mistakes
Past Simple. Correct the mistakes Ouvrir la boîte
Prepare Unit 6 Jobs
Prepare Unit 6 Jobs Complétez la phrase
WW 2 Unit 8 Jobs
WW 2 Unit 8 Jobs Cartes aléatoires
Ordering food
Ordering food Complétez la phrase
Focus 2 Unit 1 1.5 infinitive or gerund
Focus 2 Unit 1 1.5 infinitive or gerund Quiz
Christmas speaking cards
Christmas speaking cards Ouvrir la boîte
WW1 Unit 1.1
WW1 Unit 1.1 Apparier
Focus 3 Unit 6 Idioms
Focus 3 Unit 6 Idioms Apparier
Focus 2 Unit 2.4
Focus 2 Unit 2.4 Trouver la correspondance
WW1/ Unit 1/ Clothes
WW1/ Unit 1/ Clothes Cartes aléatoires
Focus 1 Unit 2.1 food containers
Focus 1 Unit 2.1 food containers Trier par groupe
Sports Equipment Solutions Pre-Int
Sports Equipment Solutions Pre-Int Trier par groupe
Focus 2 Unit 4.1 house
Focus 2 Unit 4.1 house Fiches de révision
Focus 2 Unit 2
Focus 2 Unit 2 Fiches de révision
Focus 2 Unit 1 adjectives
Focus 2 Unit 1 adjectives Apparier
Focus 2 Unit 1 1.5 gerund or infinitive
Focus 2 Unit 1 1.5 gerund or infinitive Ouvrir la boîte
To be questions A2
To be questions A2 Roue aléatoire
Wider world 1 unit 2 vocabulary
Wider world 1 unit 2 vocabulary Anagramme
Tell me about yourself
Tell me about yourself Ouvrir la boîte
The... the..+comparatives
The... the..+comparatives Cartes aléatoires
Wider World 1 Unit 2 2.3
Wider World 1 Unit 2 2.3 Apparier
Go getter 2. Unit 6.1 vocabulary jobs
Go getter 2. Unit 6.1 vocabulary jobs Fiches de révision
Speaking (elementary)
Speaking (elementary) Ouvrir la boîte
Adverbs. Put words in order to make a sentence
Adverbs. Put words in order to make a sentence Démêler
Prepare 5 Nus. Unit 2. Adjectives - Feelings
Prepare 5 Nus. Unit 2. Adjectives - Feelings Apparier
 4A Parts of the house Solutions Intermediate
4A Parts of the house Solutions Intermediate Apparier
Personality Apparier
Health problems vocab quiz(Roadmap A2 unit 9A)
Health problems vocab quiz(Roadmap A2 unit 9A) Apparier
Go getter 1 clothes
Go getter 1 clothes Pendu
GG2 3.6
GG2 3.6 Vrai ou faux
Unit 8. Taste (adjectives)
Unit 8. Taste (adjectives) Apparier
Types of books
Types of books Quiz gagnant ou perdant
Prepare6 SB U1 Sports p17
Prepare6 SB U1 Sports p17 Trier par groupe
Unit 8. Food Verbs
Unit 8. Food Verbs Apparier
 Solutions elementary 6E prepositions of movement
Solutions elementary 6E prepositions of movement Quiz
Warm up, associations
Warm up, associations Cartes aléatoires
Possessive pronouns
Possessive pronouns Quiz
power up 1(school things)
power up 1(school things) Apparier
gg4 5.1 music styles
gg4 5.1 music styles Trouver la correspondance
WW1_u2.7_too much / too many /not enough
WW1_u2.7_too much / too many /not enough Quiz
Emotions GG2 3.3
Emotions GG2 3.3 Mots mêlés
Verb patterns speaking
Verb patterns speaking Roue aléatoire
Using Technology
Using Technology Diagramme étiqueté
 wh questions ( Карпюк 5 НУШ, ст.34)
wh questions ( Карпюк 5 НУШ, ст.34) Apparier
Do getter 3 Unit 2.1
Do getter 3 Unit 2.1 Mots mêlés
Possessive adjectives
Possessive adjectives Quiz
Present cont_capibara
Present cont_capibara Fiches de révision
so, but, because, and
so, but, because, and Quiz
 Present, Past, Future simple
Present, Past, Future simple Quiz
Possessives Complétez la phrase
What to do on Halloween
What to do on Halloween Trouver la correspondance
Phrases Go Getter 4 Unit3.1
Phrases Go Getter 4 Unit3.1 Quiz gagnant ou perdant
Speaking have to
Speaking have to Cartes aléatoires
Prepare 5 NUS unit 17
Prepare 5 NUS unit 17 Apparier
Object pronouns practice
Object pronouns practice Quiz
S3e PI U3E Negative prefixes
S3e PI U3E Negative prefixes Trier par groupe
Shopping GG3 2.1
Shopping GG3 2.1 Retournez les tuiles
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