Середня школа Speaking cards
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Speaking for kids
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Was Were Speaking cards
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Autumn Speaking Cards
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Speaking Present simple, present continuous та past simple
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Talking about last holiday
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Answer the questions using relative clauses.
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Speaking New school Year
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Christmas speaking cards
Ouvrir la boîte
Debate - Discussion Cards
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Describe a picture
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Getting to know | speaking cards
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Speaking have to
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Cartes aléatoires
Elementary Speaking Cards
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Cards for passive speaking
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Cartes aléatoires
Daily routine speaking
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Let's talk! (Speaking)
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Christmas / New Year speaking
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Speaking (elementary)
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Comparatives and Superlatives Questions
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Future tenses
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GG 4 4.6 Film jobs
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Speaking | business
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Present Simple\ speaking
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Speaking | Influence
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Giving advice_ should/shouldn't
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Sleep (Speaking)
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Appearance | speaking
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Speaking _ Instagram
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WORK | Speaking
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Past Simple cards
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Speaking time
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Ouvrir la boîte
WW1/ Unit 1/ Clothes
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Speaking 1 (beginner)
Roue aléatoire
Кімнати і те, що в них є
Retournez les tuiles
Якби ви були ...то яким?
Roue aléatoire
controversial speaking 2
Cartes aléatoires
Правила переносу слів 5 клас
Vrai ou faux
Phrasal verbs (Solutions 3 Intermediate) 1E
Complétez la phrase
Психологічна зустріч "Інтерв'ю"
Roue aléatoire
Vegetables. Test
Present Simple Active VS Passive
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WW 2 Unit 8 Jobs
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ww 1 unit 7 vocabulary revision
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Cardinal and Ordinal Numbers
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Smart junior 4 unit 1
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Speaking 'sport'
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Warm up, associations
Cartes aléatoires
Present Simple / Present Continuous
Roue aléatoire
Friendship and family Questions
Roue aléatoire
Get involved A2+ speaking stater board game
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Ouvrir la boîte
Past Continuous Questions
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