
1 клас Family and friends 1

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Billy's teddy!
Billy's teddy! Roue aléatoire
Family and Friends 1 | Face
Family and Friends 1 | Face Diagramme étiqueté
Family and friends (school)
Family and friends (school) Apparier
Family Anagramme
Have got/ haven`t got 2
Have got/ haven`t got 2 Quiz
Family. Go Getter 1
Family. Go Getter 1 Apparier
words sorting
words sorting Trier par groupe
Lola's room
Lola's room Apparier
Family and Friends 1 | Body ver. 2
Family and Friends 1 | Body ver. 2 Anagramme
 Can- can't
Can- can't Quiz
ff1 unit 14
ff1 unit 14 Cartes aléatoires
Family relations
Family relations Fiches de révision
Fly High 1. Lesson 7
Fly High 1. Lesson 7 Ouvrir la boîte
digraphs ee and ea
digraphs ee and ea Trier par groupe
Has got/Hasn't got
Has got/Hasn't got Quiz
go getter  1 family
go getter 1 family Apparier
Family members
Family members Trier par groupe
Unit 4. Family.
Unit 4. Family. Apparier
Let's ...!
Let's ...! Apparier
ff2 unti 1(2)
ff2 unti 1(2) Apparier
ff1 unit 7
ff1 unit 7 Apparier
ff2 unit 2(2)
ff2 unit 2(2) Apparier
FF Starter M, N, O
FF Starter M, N, O Cartes aléatoires
Family and friends 1 Unit 10
Family and friends 1 Unit 10 Apparier
Dinnertime Roue aléatoire
wh and ph digraph
wh and ph digraph Trier par groupe
Family and Friends 1 Unit 1 Lesson 1 What's this
Family and Friends 1 Unit 1 Lesson 1 What's this Anagramme
Find the letter :)
Find the letter :) Trouver la correspondance
I can
I can Quiz
Задачі Quiz
Quick Minds 1. Unit 4. Animals
Quick Minds 1. Unit 4. Animals Quiz
Fly High 1. Lesson 5
Fly High 1. Lesson 5 Des paires
Numbers 1-10
Numbers 1-10 Pendu
Numbers 1-20
Numbers 1-20 Roue aléatoire
Розвиток мовлення . Назви три.
Розвиток мовлення . Назви три. Cartes aléatoires
Parts of the body
Parts of the body Diagramme étiqueté
Доповни речення
Доповни речення Trouver la correspondance
Toys Diagramme étiqueté
кількість складів
кількість складів Ouvrir la boîte
Буква Я
Буква Я Trier par groupe
Перший звук
Перший звук Trouver la correspondance
Склад числа 6, 7, 8
Склад числа 6, 7, 8 Trier par groupe
Reading CVC
Reading CVC Apparier
can-cant Quiz
Oxford Phonics 1. Letters a-f
Oxford Phonics 1. Letters a-f Quiz
склад чисел 5-8
склад чисел 5-8 Trier par groupe
ПРИКЛАДИ( в межах 10 на +)
ПРИКЛАДИ( в межах 10 на +) Vrai ou faux
Fly High 1. Lesson 8
Fly High 1. Lesson 8 Des paires
 Food Карпюк 1
Food Карпюк 1 Roue aléatoire
 Numbers 1-5
Numbers 1-5 Quiz
Restauration auto-sauvegardé :  ?